Monday, June 14, 2010


Drowning. Today I stepped into quicksand. The moment I stepped out of bed the earth began to swallow me up. I can feel my lungs becoming full of sand. I want to scream for help, to cry and kick but I will only go under faster. I will be consumed. No space for a breath. No time for life. Crisis after crisis. I just would like to have one week. One week to organize my life, and my home. No more little pieces of sand creeping up around me, swallowing me up. I just finished reading Hunger Games and Catching Fire. I feel like this is my story. Fighting and fighting and fighting and it never stops. We get to take a breath and then we are hit again, always in "the arena". Today I need to go to bed and wake up tomorrow.


  1. It's tomorrow! Time for a do-over day, my sweet friend. xoxo

  2. Chin up young person! :) I love you, hopefully today is a better day.

  3. Holly,

    Your children are absolutely beautiful. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    I can't believe you live in Utah. That is where I am originally from. I didn't move to Long Beach until I was 9 years old. I am from Highland... small world!

    I look forward to checking in on you and your sweet family.

    Take Care, Suzanne Adamson Gray
