Sunday, March 7, 2010

Will the Real Shoe Shady Please Stand Up?!

First off, I love shoes. I have shoes of many different colors and shapes. Shoes, and more specifically sandals, are one of the things that make me happy. Shoes never get too big or too small and they last for years. Shoes, quite honestly, can be a girls best friend! This evening as we were walking in the door from our family Sunday dinner there was a bag on the door step addressed to me. OOO! How fun! The card however was not signed and I want to find the sender! I hope that I do not embarrass you, wonderful, sister soul who knows how much happiness can be created from a pair of shoes, but I am going to share your letter to me.

"Dear Holly,
I'm in your {church} but you don't know me. I have been following your blog and I feel like I know you. I have just wanted to do something for you. All I know is that when I'm not loving my body I go shoe shopping. I get this is weird but I figure you don't have a lot of spare time so I brought the shoes to you! Oh, I hope they fit and that you like them. If not then they are a gesture of love and prayers for you and your family. Wish you only the best!"

New friend, if you feel that you would like this fabulous gesture to be anonymous I completely understand, but friends are one of the most wonderful gifts that God has given to us on this earth, and there is ALWAYS room for one more! OR if you are one of my already wonderful friends posing as a "stranger" then you are a turkey and I love you. I love my new sandals and will wear them with gratitude in every step (when the weather gets warmer)!


  1. How nice is that!! They will be so cute on you:)

  2. You deserve them Holly. What size shoe do you wear?

  3. This 'stranger' totally knows you! A new pair of shoes can cure anything! And they always fit!

  4. Oh my gosh I love whoever did this for you! What a thoughtful & fabulous idea, this is someone you need in your life :-)

  5. Those are so cute!! Your new friend has good taste!!
