Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Back!

I am back. I took a much needed break from the hospital thanks to my wonderful husband, and spent the day with Gavs and Belle. Nate spent the night last night and stayed the whole day with Spence today. He is wonderful because it was a crazy day. The doc decided that Spence should not miss out on any more radiation treatments so they had to transport him by van, to a nearby hospital for his session. They are hoping to get him out in the next day or two {hallelujah}! I was able to get a bunch of laundry done, spend some awesome time with my kiddies, and have some lunch with my Melly. It was nice to do all of these things because once Spence comes home we cannot have any visitors because of his neutrapenia (being immuno-compromised). It is going to be like this probably until the end of the summer because his up coming chemoes are intense and right on top of eachother. It was definitely a nice day today but I am happy to be back with my boy! I hope to have another enjoyable night with him! I am still working up the energy for a big huge post about Saturday. I cannot say enough thank you's to all of you! We are still overwhelmed by your love and generosity!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got a little break and were able to spend time with your other cuties. It's so hard to be split like that. You are a great mom...keep your chin up - you are doing an awesome job!!
