Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Radiation: Day Two

Today is a nice day. It is about 53 degrees outside but pretty windy. Spencer was preoccupied with his new iPod Touch (blog post about that coming tonight) on the way to radiation so the atmosphere was fearless. As we are walking into the Cancer Center for radiation treatment he says "it feels so good out here" he put his face up and let the wind hit it. "i love the wind" he says. My heart is so full of happiness as I watch him smile and enjoy the weather. "you, know mom, I am not that nervous today, radiation really isn't that bad." "Better than a biopsy, right?" I say. "Oh, yeah, definitely" he replies. Today is a nice day. He continues to play his Touch as we sit in the waiting room. He walks confidently into the radiation room and gets all hooked up to the table. The nurses and the radiation techs are beyond nice. So friendly. As I wait for him the head of radiation oncology introduces herself to me. Her name is Kristen and she is probably only a few years older than I am. She ends up being related to one of Spencer's friends and she answers all of the questions and concerns I have had about his radiation. When Spencer comes out of the "space door" she sits and plays some of his iPod Touch games with him and lets him know that he can come and say hi to her anytime. As we are leaving he says to me "mom, I kind of like radiation". I love my boy and his positive attitude. Thank you Stevens family in CA for playing a big part in this new found energy. It's amazing what an iPod Touch can do to a 7 year old boy! Today is a nice day.


  1. Holly, today I was teaching piano to a girl in our ward. She's learning "I Know That My Redeemer Lives." I got to sing this with Amy Muir years ago while she was battling cancer and that experience really stayed with me. It was her favorite hymn. But now I think it's one of mine too. The words are so strengthening and peaceful. I couldn't help but think of you and Spencer too...thank goodness we know what we know. You are doing everything right and keeping a priceless record of this experience. Spencer is amazingly brave.
    Then I remembered you and I memorizing Romeo and Juliet in the back of the Gassin's van on the way to the temple way back in the day. Had to smile at that. There was a time when we really didn't have a care in the world...wasn't there? Thinking of you guys! Much love.

  2. I feel like you and I are experiencing a lot of the same things! Oliver was on his iTouch CONSTANTLY in the car for the 3 hour daily round trip drive to the hospital for his treatments. He was scared the first time and then afterwards said, "That was easy!". The other day he told us that he misses it... he MISSES it!!! My husband would read Junie B. Jones and The Magic Treehouse books to him through a microphone outside of the radiation room. He said that it was relaxing for him. I think he enjoyed the time he got to spend with his daddy. Seriously... it's so weird reading your blog... because I feel like I could be writing it for you and vice versa!!! I should have Ollie write or email Spencer and become pen pals. :O)
