Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Psalms 30:5

"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalms 30:5. Maybe I am premature in having these feelings and relating this scripture to our situation, but I am feeling more joy than sorrow and weeping right now. I am sorry that I did not write this post earlier. I have had many people ask me about Spencer's PET scan results and I have been slow to blog. I have been so busy around the house and with the kids. We were able to do the PET scan at PCMC this time and not at IMC. I love IMC but they are just not as "kid friendly" as Primary. He did not have to be sedated, he did not have to have an I.V., he did not have to get cathed. It was just a much better situation. Plus the tech was one of our favorite guys who also does his bone scans. Spence did a pretty good job at drinking most of the contrast. Scott, the tech, said he makes a little for himself to make sure it tastes good enough for the kids. Love him. After about 30 minutes of laying still in the scan we were done, and had no other testing so we were out of there. Nate was super anxious for results and asked me to call them at 8:30 the next morning. I had to let him know that they don't even open until 9! When I finally called, they told me that both of our doctors were out of town. Our lovely chemo coordinator, however, called us back shortly to inform us that our dr. was indeed there that day, that she knew we were anxious, and would call us as soon as she saw the results. Melly and I took the kids to a movie (Tron), and I just knew I would get a call during it. Low and behold and the very end, and very loud credits our doctor was calling. I threw Gavs to Mel and ran down the theatre as fast as I could. She told me that the scan results were significantly better than the last one in June. She said that there is still a little bit of malignant activity but that it was really hard to find. She said they had to search hard to find it. She hopes and anticipates that the next bit of chemo will resolve any last bits of malignancy and HOPEFULLY we will be done at the end of March! I asked her what he thoughts were about having to continue treatment if the cancer was still there. She said if that has to happen we would most likely look into more radiation (blah). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your prayers, faith, and fasting! They are working. I ask you to please continue to pray for us so that we can get rid of this once and for all and that Spence can go on to living a normal life again. A long, healthy, normal life!


  1. Such great news! Spence deserves to have this over and done with and get to live his childhood! We are thinking about your beautiful family at this time and sending all of our positive thoughts your way :)

  2. oh my goodness!!! SUCH WONDERFUL NEWS!!! we will continue to pray for super duper spence and your family!

  3. That is fantastic news! I can't wait to tell my kids how he is doing - we all think about little Spence all the time. YEA!!!

  4. yay! great news!! you guys are in our thoughts and prayers! love ya!

  5. That is such amazing news to hear! I hope that all continues to continue to improve. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. Yahoo! Congrats! So happy for good news for the little man (and his family)!

  7. Go Spencer, keep kicking that cancer in the butt and kill it! You are almost there! I'm so proud of you. The finish line is in sight. We love you so much...

  8. My confession I have been stocking your blog to no end to find this out ha haha. So glad the results were good. We will continue praying for your little Spence hopefully you are just about there!

  9. THis is such good news! I have been wondering about you guys and how things are going. I read your blog post from last night as well about all those feelings...feelings of fear, regret, gratitude, etc etc...that come with the end of treatment. It's like on one hand you want it to be over and not have it part of your life anymore, but on the other hand, you still want to cry everyday and say, "This has been so hard! This was really really painful!!" I have felt that the end is almost as hard as the beginning because you want to be releaved and go back to normal, but your life isn't the same, and the love and respect you have for your child has changed..grown..into something different. It's an odd place to be. But geez I am so so happy to hear his diagnosis is looking more positive and they are thinking he is almost done! 11 months. I don't know how you have kept it together this long. I guess that means today is Spence's birthday right? Well happy birthday! We are all so happy for you.

    P.S. Ray misses Mike too. To tell you the truth...so do I. And Irish. :)
