Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I HAVE NOT BLOGGED SPENCER'S BAPTISM! I am so sorry! My mind is not the same! This day was about the most perfect day I have had in my whole life. I am not going to write much because it is not easy to put all of these feelings into words. We had to wrap him up really well so that his central line did not get wet. There were probably about 150-200 people in attendance and we were still missing many friends and family. We are so blessed to have so many people love my Spencer. The next night we had a fabulous fireside with an incredible Polynesian choir, and a talk by Elder Groberg from the Other Side of Heaven. I would like to do a separate blog on that night. My friend Heather of White House Photography so graciously took pictures for us both nights!


  1. Your family is beautiful Holly! I love you guys so much!

  2. Holly! I am so mad I couldn't be there for that special day! I wanted to come so bad but had to work. I am sure it was so beautiful and special. Miss you lots! Keep hanging in there! You are in our prayers.

  3. Wow! He is so beautiful. what a special day! Love that aqua guard!
