Throughout my life, and more now than ever, I hear a lot about trials. Trials make us stronger. Trials are here to make us grow. I believe whole heartedly that trials do these things but I do not believe that these are their only purpose. All of us have trials. Some people do indeed need to grow, and gain strength, but trials do other things as well. Trials, tribulations, afflictions, sorrows, have done many things to make me who I am. I have had some pretty big "trials" throughout my life beginning as a young child. I have definitely brought on some of my own afflictions but most have been God's "strengthening" exercises. Trials, now for me are not strength builders. They reaffirm, they testify and they prove my strength. I think that the Lord sometimes wants to double check this strength or maybe Satan likes a challenge. There is no challenge here because there is NO OTHER way for me. I am deeply rooted in God. These words are not meant for me to show you "MY" strength. I want to testify to you that the Lord builds us up, molds us, strengthens us if we allow ourselves to be sustained through Him, to root ourselves in faith and to build our foundations upon Him. I have times of vulnerability, sadness, and even anger, BUT NEVER doubt. Life is ever changing, unstable and full of surprises, but the Lord is not. He is constant, and solid, and warm. He has never left me and always gives me the peace I seek. I am me because of my trials. I don't want to open myself for more "strengthening exercises" by saying this, but I feel privileged that God has given me these experiences to prove to Him that I am ever-faithful, unwaivering, anchored in Him. I have been feelin that I didn't blog enough on my faith and who I really am. This is me. Through my sorrows, my tears, and my vulnerability I will remain this way. I may be making myself an easy target for Satan and for more trials but to this I say "bring it on, I am a daughter of God!"