Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Other Life

I don't know why I decided I was strong enough to read some of my older posts. I don't know why I have let myself push these memories down, down down. I don't know why my soul aches. I don't know why other moms have to go through this. I don't know why. It seems like another life time ago but the wounds are still a little raw. Healing scabs being pulled off, creating scars. Scars are meant to help us remember. Why don't I want to remember. Why is this part as painful as the injury? Things, life, seems so normal now but moments of anxiety ache in my heart. Don't forget who you are and where you came from. Do not forget the obstacles and the road blocks, they are meant to create a stronger person of who you once were. I had memories tonight of spending what seemed like endless nights in a hospital room. Cold, lonely, and scared. I am thankful for warmth and faith and love. Did we really live this other life? This other life filled with pain and agony, growth and strength? Did we really live out of suitcases and hospital cafeterias for over a year? Did I really have to leave my children to save the life of the other? Are these real things that happened to us? I desperately pray that I never have to live this other life again. My heart cries for the mothers who are living it now. Miracles happen. Death happens. Love happens. Faith happens. Life happens. God lives. He holds our hand, He carries us through the storm and through the calm. Never forget these things.


  1. What a truly beautiful post! Praying for your family. I love reading this blog too by the way.=)

  2. Just want to say- that I always look forward to reading your news, hearing about the blessings and new adventures. The music you add also so upbeat! When I hear you speak in church, I connect to your words and testimony. My life is blessed from knowing you and your family.

  3. It is interesting how Heavenly Father can make those memories seem so distant. I think sometimes he knows that we need to feel normality for a while then soak up what we went through a little at a time to learn just a bit more each time. I am so glad things are feeling more normal, you all deserve that.

  4. Here, here! But isn't life really good now? I like looking back and realizing how far we've come.

  5. My sister came across your blog and sent me the link. We are currently living this other life. ( Thank you for documenting and sharing your experience and for your inspiration of hope, strength and faith.
