Saturday, February 2, 2013


As many of you have seen on FB our sweet friend Ashtyn had been diagnosed with leukemia a few days ago.  They have been waiting for the final results of the definitive diagnosis and have run into some problems.  They first thought it was an ambiguous diagnosis of leukemia, not know if it was A.L.L. or A.M.L.  Today they believe that she may have cancer somewhere else in her body that has metastasized into her bone marrow.  The cells are unfamiliar and have been sent out worldwide to be studied.  This cancer cannot be fought until a definitive diagnosis has been made. I am asking all, no matter your faith, to pray and fast for our sweet friend this weekend that the doctors can find a diagnosis, that she can be healed and that her family will receive peace.  PLEASE PIN AND REPIN THIS PRAYERS FOR ASHTYN  PICTURE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN  

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