Thursday, November 4, 2010

Once Again

Here we are again. Again. I cannot decide if I care. I miss being at home and I like being together as a family but this just happens way to often to get all worked up over it. I want to be with all of my kids but there really is not another option. I think that maybe I am just so "whatever" about this stay I think because we really are getting close to the end of all of this. I think I am feeling that we can just push through this and sacrifice for three more months. His fever has only broken with Tylenol but creeps back up to about 102 degrees when it wears off. He is feeling just fine but has this stupid fever. It may just be a neutropenic fever but we cannot leave until his temperature is down. His platelets are really low even after his transfusion yesterday but that is not factor in us staying here. Platelets can be given in the ER or in clinic. We will pretty much be sitting here, waiting around to find out about blood cultures (bacterial infection)and for his fever to go down. I also want to thank everyone who has been actively involved with Project Super Quilt. I am going to try to get back to the emails today and with the talents and mastermind of Super Jena I am working on a Project Super Quilt blog! If you have any questions about the quilt project email me

1 comment:

  1. So far all I've done is to buy fabric and supplies for a quilt. Now I just need the time. It won't happen until after Thanksgiving for sure, but I am going to put together a simple quilt! Really! Love to all you Gooches!
